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 1. Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham, and Terence McKenna  121-Trialogue: Grass Roots Science  Psychedelic Salon 
 2. Dr Kieron O'Hara  From grey suits to grass roots  The University of Nottingham Podcast 
 3. Howard Dean, DNC Chair  Speech at DNC grass roots fundraiser, Portland OR 10/22/2007   
 4. Meredith Smith, Chair, Oregon Democratic Party  Intro remarks DNC grass roots fundraiser, Portland OR 10/22/2007   
 5. Michele McDonald  2003-10/14 The Roots Of War And The Roots Of Peace - Seven Factors Of Enlightenment - II  2003-09/19 IMSRC Three Month Retreat Part 1 http://dharma.org 
 6. Dr Chris Smith / The Naked Scientists  Naked Scientists 06.09.04 - BA Festival of Science - Monday - Science of Superstition and the Science of Sport  The Naked Scientists Radio Show 
 7. Beat Kitchen  Trialogue  Leftfield Adventures In Rhythm 
 8. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  082-Trialogue: MINI  Psychedelic Salon 
 9. Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham, Terence McKenna  149-Trialogue: The Heavens  Psychedelic Salon 
 10. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  072-Trialogue: The Unconscious Part 2  Psychedelic Salon 
 11. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  078-Trialogue: The Apocalypse Part 2  Psychedelic Salon 
 12. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  107-Trialogue: Hazelwood House  Psychedelic Salon 
 13. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  108-Trialogue: Hazelwood House  Psychedelic Salon 
 14. Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham, Rupert Sheldrake  168-Trialogue: What Hawaii Says About Evolution  Psychedelic Salon 
 15. Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham, Rupert Sheldrake  125-Trialogue: Crop Circles  Psychedelic Salon 
 16. Ralph Abraham, Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna  161-Trialogue: Reality Check  Psychedelic Salon 
 17. Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham, Rupert Sheldrake  143-Trialogue: Rethinking Society  Psychedelic Salon 
 18. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  077-Trialogue: The Apocalypse Part 1  Psychedelic Salon 
 19. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  058-Trialogue: Cast of Characters  Psychedelic Salon 
 20. Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham, and Terence McKenna  122-Trialogue: Saving the World  Psychedelic Salon 
 21. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  070-Trialogue: Entities Part 2  Psychedelic Salon 
 22. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  109-Trialogue: Hazelwood House  Psychedelic Salon 
 23. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  071-Trialogue: The Unconscious Part 1  Psychedelic Salon 
 24. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  110-Trialogue: Hazelwood House  Psychedelic Salon 
 25. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  069-Trialogue: Entities Part 1  Psychedelic Salon 
 26. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  059-Trialogue: Creativity and Imagination - Part 1  Psychedelic Salon 
 27. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  061-Trialogue: Creativity and Imagination - Part 2  Psychedelic Salon 
 28. McKenna, Abraham, and Sheldrake  093-Trialogue: Morphogenic Family Fields  Psychedelic Salon 
 29. Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham, Rupert Sheldrake  126-Trialogue: Psychedelics and the Computer Revolution  Psychedelic Salon 
 30. Ralph Abraham, Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake  170-Trialogue: How the Web Looked Back in 1994  Psychedelic Salon 
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